Grays GR7000 Ultrabow Hockey Stick (2021)


Grays Hockey Stick

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Full Description

The GR7000 is a modern classic and has the perfect composition to balance high levels of power with exceptional levels of feel.

This makes this stick a popular option for players at the elite level to the grassroots.

The ultrabow shape means that it is a midbow stick and is very user friendly.

It is a modern take on the ever-popular GX7000 with a more advanced composition using graphene and an updated shape with a smaller headshape and slightly more bow to appeal to the masses in the current game.

GR 7000 Features: 

  • This iconic model continues to offer a superb mix of power and control
  • Graphene offers unique combination of powerful energy transfer and shock absorbing properties
  • Ultrabow blade profile ideal for developing core skills and striking the ball
  • Micro head shape for improved 3D skill execution

Additional information

Weight 45 kg
Stick Length

36.5, 37.5, 38.5

Stick Weight



Stick Head Shape



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Weight 45 kg
Stick Length

36.5, 37.5, 38.5

Stick Weight



Stick Head Shape
