Adidas Ina Kromaskin .3 Hockey Stick (2022)


Great Quality Adidas Hockey Stick

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Full Description


Designed for the entertainer who wants to express freedom and creativity with their style of play. The ultra low bow makes anything possible from 3D skills, deceptive passing and ultimate ball speed.

The Ina Kromaskin .3 has a beautiful soft touch along with a carefully engineered composition, featuring partial Kromaskin coverage, for power generation. Once you have created the space by casting a spell on your opponent, the stiff shaft will help generate ball speeds that no keeper can handle.

BOW: Ultra Low Bow – AX Shape – 200mm/24mm

HEAD SHAPE: Pure Control


• KROMASKIN / PARTIAL STICK KROMASKIN COVERAGE: Ultra thin carbon fibre material wrapping the stick shaft, taken from F1 Racing Technology, that improves both the look and the structural performance of the stick.

• 3D GEOMETRY: The unique adidas stick shape that stiffens the shaft, giving increased hitting power and a cleaner, sharper finish. The cut away under side of the stick helps to lift the ball more easily.

• COMPRESSION CORE: Located in the head of the stick, a hybrid core that expands during manufacturing to compress the composite layers, creating a stronger stick with a more consistent structure. It enhances the sweet spot and improves responsiveness when passing and receiving the ball.

• ACT EDGE: An advance composite tech material made from high impact nylon that prevents damage and reduces vibration, strategically placed on the reverse edge.

Additional information

Weight 45 kg
Stick Length

36.5, 37.5

Stick Weight

Light, Super Light


Stick Head Shape

Pure Control


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Weight 45 kg
Stick Length

36.5, 37.5

Stick Weight

Light, Super Light


Stick Head Shape

Pure Control